Categories: Career Blogs

There’s an interesting phenomenon recruiting women that I’ve noticed over the years.

It’s quite opposite to the previous article I wrote about quiet confidence.

This is about underselling versus overselling. And more often than not it involves women.

Here’s an example of how it shows up.

I call a potential female candidate about a position I’m working on and they start telling me all the reasons they aren’t ready or capable for the role.

I remind them that I’m calling them so I have some confidence in my ability to call the right person.

They then proceed to tell me the specific areas in which they lack the appropriate skills and experience. They can be fairly detailed.

It’s always a head scratching moment when this happens. And trust me it’s happened a lot over the years.

If there’s been a male candidate who’s done the same I can’t honestly remember them. I’m sure there have been but they have been few and far between.

A woman I spoke to recently shared an article with me she read that said when women look at a job description they compare their skills and experience and even if they have 7 out of 10 of the criteria they still don’t think that it’s enough to apply.

I don’t have the answer why, as women, we tend to undersell our skills and talents. I just know we do because I’ve had to convince some of my best female candidates to apply for positions I’m working on.

And here’s the thing, some of these women have become some of my best placed candidates who have gone on to do really great things for their organizations.

And before you make the assumption it’s a not for profit phenomenon let me tell you I’ve had the very same experience recruiting women in the private sector, even senior female leaders.

So women please don’t mix up quiet confidence with underselling your gifts.

And don’t use lack of skill, experience, or talent to be the reason you put between yourself and the next great opportunity.

You may not have it all and then again you might just have enough.

There are organizations with great causes that need you to step up and out.

For more information about our search services including our new Coaching For Success program please feel free to contact me.